26-30 NOV 2024 Contextualizing Apologetics REGISTRATION FOR IN-PERSONDate: 30th Nov 2024Venue: Mamlaka Hill ChapelTime: 8:00am-2:00pmCHARGES:Students: Ksh 500Early bird: Ksh 700(Before Nov 14)At the gate: Ksh 1000 register for the conference The 5th Annual African Apologetics Conference Our 5th annual conference 2024 theme is entitled Contextualizing the gospel in Africa. This theme seeks to challenge the upcoming apologists …
IDENTITY Staying Rooted in Christ in a Shifting Culture 21-25 NOV 2023 Register for inperson on 25thVenue: St AndrewsTIME: 8:00AM-2:00PMEarly bird: Ksh 500(Before Nov 3)Late registration: Ksh 700At the gate: KSH1000 register for the conference Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Register here
IDENTITY Staying Rooted in Christ in a Shifting Culture 21-25 NOV 2023 Register for in-person on 25thVenue: PCEA St. Andrew’s TIME: 8:00AM-2:00PMEarly bird: Deadline passed.(Before Nov 3)Registration: Ksh 700At the gate: Ksh 1000 register for the conference The 4th Annual African Apologetics Conference Our 4th annual conference 2023 theme is entitled Identity: Staying Rooted in Christ in a Shifting …
The recent Covid-19 pandemic has made Africans consider more technological research and consider religion as irrelevant in its wake . Though African atheists would like Christianity discarded for being a ‘white man’s religion’, Kevin Muriithi points out that “we could also challenge them that “Atheism is a white man’s irreligion.”” Some atheists though have pushed back …
Atheism Entomology Atheism is derived from the Ancient Greek ἄθεος atheos meaning “without gods; godless; secular; refuting or repudiating the existence of gods, especially officially sanctioned gods”.__[Modern translations of classical texts sometimes translate atheos as “atheistic”. As an abstract noun, there was also atheotēs (“atheism”)]. Definition 1 Atheism, in the broadest sense, is an absence …
Writers at Work! Sorry, you didn’t find what you were looking for. Currently, our writers are working hard to write this content in a better presentation format. We want to make it easier for you to read, watch, interact, study and share our content. Meanwhile, you can read our dispatches which are blog articles tackling …
The 2022 conference seeked to explore the significance of a Christian worldview to important areas of life including work, arts and literature, popular culture, atheism, cults, science and Afro-centric thought. Theme: Colossians 2:6-8 was on November | 22-27 | 2022 Watch the conference now The 3rd Annual African Apologetics Conference Apologetics Kenya successfully ran the …
It goes without saying that Jesus was not white or black. He was a Semite, born in the Middle East. Yet how strange for some to affirm that he was white. The significance of Jesus is not the colour of His skin but the blood that He shed for people of all ethnicities. The Critical Race Theory idea …