Dr. Kevin Murithii

Is chair of Apologetics Kenya. He lectures at Pan Africa Christianity in the Theology faculty, and specializes in practical theology, youth ministry and apologetics. He initially worked as an Engineer before pursuing a call to pastoral ministry, completing a BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, an M.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies and PhD in Theology. He has a Certificate in Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology, Biola University and serves in the pastoral team of PCEA Loresho Community Church. He is currently working with Langham on a book on Apologetics in Africa, forthcoming 2023. He is married to Jessica and together are raising their son Noah.

24 April 2023 NAIROBI, Kenya – Kenya’s Constitution supports freedom of religion and the expression of religious views. However, such bizarre incidences show why there is a need to be vigilant against religious and non-religious ideas that harm people’s lives, not only spiritually but also physically. Read the full statement below: Apologetics Kenya Press Statement …

Press Statement – The Deadly Dangers of Cults Read More »

the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and basic Christian Doctrine

According to these two places in the Bible, doctrine can be defined as teachings…

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