Writers at Work!
Sorry, you didn’t find what you were looking for. Currently, our writers are working hard to write this content in a better presentation format. We want to make it easier for you to read, watch, interact, study and share our content.
Meanwhile, you can read our dispatches which are blog articles tackling and exploring different topics. We are always looking for writers, scroll down the page if you are interested in joining our writer’s ranks.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused, join our newsletter to be updated as soon as the articles are ready.
Join the ranks
become a writer
Do You Have A Passion For Apologetics? Do You Love Writing?
Join the ranks of the Apologetics Kenya editorial team and write articles for our website and blog on a voluntary basis. Requirements:
- Must be a practising committed serious Christian.
- Familiar with apologetics.
- Must be willing to commit time to meet set article deadlines.
- Be willing to accept correction with humility.
- Must be willing to form a fellowship with cohorts of Apologetics Kenya.